  • llkktth169 ha inviato un aggiornamento 1 anno, 11 mesi fa

    Silicon carbide, also known as SiC, is a semiconductor base material that consists of pure silicon and pure carbon. You can dope SiC with nitrogen or phosphorus to form an n-type semiconductor or dope it with beryllium, boron, aluminum, or gallium to form a p-type semiconductor. While many varieties and purities of silicon carbide exist, semiconductor-grade quality silicon carbide has only surfaced for utilization in the last few decades.

    How to Create Silicon Carbide

    The simplest silicon carbide manufacturing method involves melting silica sand and carbon, such as coal, at high temperatures―up to 2500 degrees Celsius. Darker, more common versions of silicon carbide often include iron and carbon impurities, but pure SiC crystals are colorless and form when silicon carbide sublimes at 2700 degrees Celsius. Once heated, these crystals deposit onto graphite at a cooler temperature in a process known as the Lely method.

    – Lely method: During this process, a granite crucible heats to a very high temperature, usually by way of induction, to sublimate silicon carbide powder. A graphite product rod with lower temperature suspends in the gaseous mixture, which inherently allows the pure silicon carbide to deposit and form crystals.

    – Chemical vapor deposition: Alternatively, manufacturers grow cubic SiC using chemical vapor deposition, which is commonly used in carbon-based synthesis processes and used in the semiconductor industry. In this method, a specialized chemical blend of gases enters a vacuum environment and combines before depositing onto a substrate.

    Both methods of silicon carbide wafer production require vast amounts of energy, equipment, and knowledge to be successful.

    How is Silicon Carbide Useful?

    Historically, manufacturers use silicon carbide in high-temperature settings for devices such as bearings, heating machinery components, car brakes, and even knife sharpening tools. In electronics and semiconductor applications, SiC’s advantage main advantages are:

    – High thermal conductivity of 120-270 W/mK

    – Low coefficient of thermal expansion of 4.0×10^-6/°C

    – High maximum current density

    These three characteristics combined give SiC excellent electrical conductivity, especially when compared to silicon, SiC’s more popular cousin. SiC’s material characteristics make it highly advantageous for high power applications where high current, high temperatures, and high thermal conductivity are required.